Accreditation Fee
Accreditation fees are based on your PEO’s annual gross wages. Calculate your fee by entering your PEO’s most recent annual wages in the table to the right:
Bond Fee
As backing for ESAC's Client Assurance Program, ESAC purchases annually a $15 million aggregate surety bond for accredited PEOs.
An underlying individual surety bond, ranging from $250,000 to $1 million, is purchased annually by each accredited PEO from ESAC’s surety broker for 1% of the bond amount. (This bond amount is calculated as 5% of the PEO's total federal and state employment tax liability for the preceding calendar year, rounded up to the nearest $250,000.)
These individual and aggregate bonds are held in trust at a national bank on behalf of accredited PEO clients, employees, insurers and taxing authorities.